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Living as a Christian : Put God as Your First Priority

Luke 10:27 It’s time to prepare for your next step. Ask yourself if you apply your commandments to your life. If you don’t, then are you really a Christian? Use this as your mentality and continue to grow your faith in God. Reading the Bible is not just rewarding about teachings but it is about applying these teachings to our life. We’re called to be wholehearted, life-encompassing, and community-impacting Christians. What is your way to love God? Attending church and helping with VBS? God asks us to use all of our strength to love God. There needs to be an authentic love for God that changes our life. For example, how you dress, your form of entertainment, and how you speak is all going to be affected by our love for God. If you have different versions of yourself depending on the place, you need to rethink your priorities. Because God loves us so much, he wants us to be the best version of ourself. He loves you just the way you are, but he also wants you to change in the best ways. What is your unique and own way to make God your top priority in your life?  

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