Our Mission
Here at Graceway Youth Ministry, we are driven to create a community of young believers who deeply experience the love and presence of God. We are disciples and servants of God, sharing the Good News with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our ministry is Bible-centered and is dedicated to worship, educate, serve, and have fellowship with one another.
Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

In our ministry, we go on mission trips to Mexico every summer. Our goal for mission trips are to help people that need us to get closer to God. Our team prepares for missions trips 3 to 4 months in advance. Not only you will have the opportunity to help a church in Mexico, but it is a great opportunity to receive God's calling.
Times and Descriptions
Friday Service
In Friday services, we have praise and bible study with the Servant Team or hear the word of God by Pastor Woo. After that, there are snacks available for everyone. We take this time to have fellowship and build strong relationships with one another.
Time- [7:30pm]-[8:45pm]
Where- Main chapel upstairs
Sunday Services
In Sunday services, we have praise from our praise team and Pastor Woo preaches the word of God. After that, there is lunch provided by the adults downstairs. After you get your food you go to your bible study classes.
Time- [10:45am]-[12:00pm]
Where- Main chapel upstairs
Bible Study
[Sundays] After you get your food you go to your bible study rooms. Bible study rooms differ from ages. 6th and 7th graders with Joe teacher. 8th graders with Aaron and Freddy teacher. 9th and 10th graders with Chris teacher. 11th and 12th graders with Andrew teacher. In bible study, your teacher interprets the bible chapter and verse they have prepared for you. After bible study you can either have
fellowship or go home.
Time- [12:00pm]-[1:00pm]
Where- Rooms differ from ages

Woo Kang
Pastor for the Youth Ministry
In considering the meaning of ‘obedience’ in the reformed tradition, which encourages me to work for social transformation, I believe that such work is one important way to express my faith to God’s Word and Will. I think that the church’s missionary work should not limit itself to specifically ‘church’ work, but also must foster social change. In this regard, I believe that the small but strong steps taken thus far by our church toward engaging the larger society is commendable. In considering my responsibility, I as a Christian find two conceptually distinct dimensions: the social sphere and the spiritual sphere. These two dimensions are not separated but interrelated, especially in issues of social change and spiritual growth. With regard to the social dimension, my main goal is to achieve or pursue ‘communal hospitality’ through my academic works. By building a bridge with others, I as a Christian make those ‘others’ into ‘my’ neighbors. Movements from within spiritual life, I hope, can foster conversation that will rebuild trust and break isolation. Building a bridge to others, then, becomes my responsibility as God’s disciple. I believe I can play a necessary role in fostering such conversations in my everyday life.
I 'm thankful to have been able to serve at Graceway Church since November 2017 as a youth pastor. My wife, Miyoung and I live in Los Alamitos and enjoy spending time with our two Children, Daniel and Elliott.
Joe Teacher
Teacher for 6th and 7th graders
Though I was born in a Christian family, I really didn’t believe in God’s love until my junior year of high school. I remember when I was young I would only go to church, because my parent went to church. But when I reached my junior year of high school I went to church, because I wanted to know more of God’s love. As the year went on I graduated high school and moved to Torrance and went to Graceway church, and there I grew to know God more. I realized that God loved us so much that he gave his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us so that one day that we may see each other face to face. And to us Christ is just a stranger, but to Christ we are his children, his sheep, and to die on the cross for us as a stranger is the greatest love that anyone can ever do for us. And that’s what I want the world to know, that a stranger that we know as Jesus Christ has died for us, so those who believe him can be with him forever in heaven. Favorite food: Chicken Pet peeves: when people pee on the toilet seat, and I have to poo Favorite movie: Wreck it Ralph Favorite song: last resort: It is well with my soul

Aaron Teacher
Teacher for 8th graders
Although I was not born into a Christian family, Church was always a part of my life from a young age. In my elementary school days, I remember learning the basic fundamentals of Christianity through my involvement in the praise team and attendance of VBS from various Churches. Many would think that my exposure to Church and the Word of God at a young would have led to a development of a deeper and stronger relationship with God in the coming of years, but this was not the case. My faith reached an all time low during my sophomore and junior year of high school. I had no interest in getting involved in the Church I attended at the time and saw Church as a waste of a weekend. I eventually started to ditch service to hang out with friends, go shopping, or even just to walk around. I was going through a season of drought in terms of my walk with Christ and began doubting the existence of a God. Eventually my parents had an inkling about my lack of attendance and desire for Church and decided that it was for my best interest to allow me to take a break from Church. Since I was at the lowest point in terms of my faith, I only had room to go up from there. Due to several of my school friends, I was given the opportunity to visit Graceway Church and was warmly welcomed. From then on not only did my mentality change, but it also reflected in my actions. I became an active member of the youth ministry and genuinely found joy serving the Lord. Fast forward to today, I am now a Bible teacher for the 8th grade students alongside Freddy teacher. I have taught many things to my students but I feel as if I have learned even more then they have. Teaching to me was a very humbling experience and continues to be to this day.
Favorite Food: Lomo Saltado from El Pollo Inka
Favorite Movie: Interstellar & Nacho Libre!
Favorite Song: Wake (Live) by Hillsong Young & Free
Pet Peeves: When people drive slowly on the left lane of the freeway and when people chew with their mouth open.

Freddy Teacher
Teacher for 8th graders
I grew up with two older brothers, my mother, and my father who is a pastor. I have been going to church for most of my life. For many years I learned who God was and what Jesus had done for us. I was involved with leadership and praise team early on in my high school career but was not serving God with my heart, rather with resentment, frustration, and pride. I have made many mistakes during my time in high school, but the biggest one was not following God. To follow God, you must fear Him first, and to fear God is to respect Him, to humble ourselves before Him, and to trust Him. There is a big difference in learning who Jesus is and knowing and believing in your heart that Jesus died for me even though I am unworthy of his grace. My friend, Aaron, invited me to Graceway Church in summer of 2016 for the first time and I am glad to have met so many new faces with kind and joyful hearts. I have become an active member of our KM worship team playing the bass guitar and also teaching bible study to our 8th grade youth students. My relationship with God isn’t the best, but I can say confidently to this day that I am working for Him and giving all the credit to Jesus who died for me and loves me unconditionally.
Favorite food: In N out Double Double
Pet Peeves: Noisy eating, burping in public, when someone sings in the wrong key!
Favorite Movie: Edge of Tomorrow (Tom Cruise) Favorite Song: Stronger (Hillsong United)

Chris Teacher
Teacher for 9th and 10th graders
I was raised in a non-Christian family, but as a child I always thought about the meaning and purpose of life. One day, when I was just out of high school, I decided to read the Bible - not with any interest in becoming a Christian, but for the Bible's literary and historical value. But as I read, from Genesis to Revelation, the beauty and truthfulness of the Scriptures, of the living and true God revealed therein and His ways with fallen men in a fallen world - affected me more and more sensibly and profoundly, so that, several years later (God was very patient with me!), I could say with Peter: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." John 6:68. That passage - Jesus' disciples turning away from Him and deserting Him, His heart-searching question to the Twelve, and Peter's wonderful response - the Lord used that to call me to Himself, to follow Him; and even to this day, when I'm tempted to wandering or unfaithfulness, He recalls that passage to my mind. There is no one else to whom we can go! For Jesus Christ is "the Holy One of God" - and there is none other!

Andrew Teacher
Teacher for 11th and 12th graders
I believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God. I believe that the Bible is infallible and inerrant. · I believe in the Trinity. I believe all members of the Trinity were present at creation. · I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the Father and that he was born of the virgin Mary. I believe that Jesus was sent to die for the sins of mankind, and that whoever believes in him will be saved. · I believe that the Holy Spirit dwells within each and every believer at the moment of their salvation.
Favorite Food: Argentinean BBQ from ACA Grill in Koreatown
Pet Peeves: Baseless assumptions and fiscal irresponsibility
Favorite Movie: Spirited Away
Favorite Song: Passion Pit - Take a Walk

Kevin Yoon
Teacher's Assistant
I’ve been here at Graceway Church for some time now. While I was here at Graceway God brought many great people into my life. As they became part of my life at first I was very thankful, but as time went by I completely forgot about God. Although I always thought of him and should have realized that he should’ve been the first to be part of my life but, I didn’t put much effort to seek him and give what he deserved. I know that’s not the right thing to do, but it just became a habit of forgetting things that’s seems so far away. This is because of the faith and believe I have for God, but not wanting to know how truly awesome and great he is. Although the reason I became a teacher’s assistant isn’t something I’m proud of, but there was other half of me wanting to experience something different, which I thought it was a good opportunity for me to study God and learn as I teach and discuss with the students.

Jennifer Lee
Teacher's Assistant
The core of my faith in Christ stands on His everlasting love—the love that became the only light to shine through my darkest moments and the love that filled me up overflowing at the times of self-doubt and resentment. Christ endlessly embraced all of my brokenness and endlessly loved all of my imperfections. And I believe this love is my very purpose. Being reborn through His love, I believe that we are now to follow the steps Christ Himself took and display the same unconditional love to the world by loving those who do not yet know about love. As a servant for Graceway Youth Group, my passion is the same: to love them like Christ loves me and to let them experience Christ’s love through me.
Favorite Food: Sushi, Spaghetti, and ice cream!
Pet Peeves: When people who are not very close to me call me “Jen” & WHEN PEOPLE STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A HALLWAY
Favorite Song: Build My Life by Housefires

Michelle Wang
Teacher's Assistant
A mix of your testimony and what your goal is as a leader to help guide the youth group’s faith. I believe in the one, triune God—the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit—and . . . let me be real with you. The gospel came alive for me when I was at the lowest point in my life: consumed by rage and hurt because of the injustices I experienced as a kid and consumed by shame from the sins I committed in trying to escape the pain. But I couldn’t escape the brokenness in my heart alone, and that’s when it clicked how much God loved me to have made a way for reconciliation through Jesus. Jesus put up with humiliation, pain, betrayal, loneliness, all for messed up me . . . DANG. Putting faith in Jesus freed me from shame. Jesus saved me—not only from hell, but also from falling into hopelessness and despair. Jesus healed me and filled my shattered heart with light, joy, and love. As a servant of GWC’s youth group, to have played any part leading up to the moment when someone’s heart grasps the weight of Jesus’ sacrifice and victory over death. . . it’s kind of freakin’ awesome because then they discover the forever unconditional love God has for them, His beloved. Favorite Food: I LOVE homemade dim sum. My mom’s, to be exact. No one makes them better than her. NO ONE. I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Pet Peeves: Line-cutters. Lane-cutters. Cutters. . .
Favorite Movie: stuck between Harry Potter and Remember the Titans
Favorite Song: currently, This is Living (acoustic version) by Hillsong, mostly for the lyrics
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."