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Living as a Christian

Joshua 7:10-13 In these verses, he shows a different face to us. He is a loving and caring God, but here he shows a serious side of himself. They had miraculous success in battles because of the Lord. Yesterday’s success doesn’t guarantee today’s success. Joshua loves people’s praise more that obeying the Lord as the leader of Israel. People loved him for a leader and they became arrogant because of what he did. How about us? We always say that we are capable of doing and mistrust ourselves. The arrogance works as self torture, you believe you are capable when you aren’t. Prayer is the only key factor to live, we are strongest when we are most dependent of God. Do not just understand his word, but obey his word and the gospel. Knowing is not enough but doing is the key factor. Defeat can be turned into victory if we did what Joshua did. He repented and turned to God, he seemed the Lord. The Lord wants us to depend on him TOTALLY not partially. Our most valuable lesson isn’t form success but from faith. You capability comes from the Lord and the Lord only. When you are in trouble, where do you turn? Joshua rediscovered that he had to turn to the Lord to repent. What ever situation and troubles you have, he promised he will come to you and help you in an opportunity. Yesterday is gone, but we need to pay close attention of how we will make today and tomorrow. With God and prayer we could open the door of our lives and follow him in all areas of your life.  

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