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Living as a Christian : Living in Harmony with God

Accept one another as Jesus accepted you. We are forgiven. We are befriended. We are justified and sanctified. We are loved and made righteous. How do you “show” that you are righteous? One of the most welcoming actions a Christian can do is to forgive their friends. When we are quick to jump on others. Then we see there is conflict and tension in a relationship. We don’t act with disregard for others. We have to glorify God, not just attending worship, but with our actions as well. It is time to reflect on our lives. We have to think about how we accept others. Our meeting can be the place to please God. Our knowledge about what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior is interpreted by our love for the people we influence. Goodness, knowledge, self control, godliness, mutual affection, love. That’s the way to glorify God. We should practice them everyday. Remember to check your prayer partner on the “Prayer Partners” page and pray for them throughout the week! Book of the Month : Habits of Grace by David Mathis

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