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Living as a Christian : Spiritual Blindness

John 9:13-15 Sometimes in life, we see things but we do not believe it. In John 9:13-15 we see a ironic situation. The blind man believes what he could see but the Pharisee did not believe what he saw. In our faith, we see a different kind of blindness. We are unable to see God’s love, mercy, and kindness for us. Because of this, our life is flawed. The way of life that we made is the illusion of our own thinking. Ask yourself, can you see God’a revelation of himself in your life? If you are obsessed with touchable and explainable so called “skeptical thinking” you cannot see the limitless power of God and fail to trust His promise to you. Look at life with a biblical perspective. If you do, you can find out who you truly are. Are you spiritually blind? What type of christian are you? If you find emptiness in your spiritual life, then open your Bible and ask him to reveal himself to us. Remember to check your prayer partner on the “Prayer Partners” page and pray for them throughout the week! Book of the Month : Habits of Grace by David Mathis 

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