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Living as a Christian : Regret

2 Corinthians 7:9 

If we keep regretting we continuously think about mistakes over and over again which eventually lead us to be obsessed with your mistakes which can also lead us to depression, anger, and frustration. Although regret produces these negative things, repentance produces a new opportunity to start over and to not put yourself into the same situation. God gives us a new choice to repent in life which can lead us to another journey in life. Repentance is asking God for a new beginning with Jesus Christ. Jesus wants us to take his hand and follow him. Jesus asks us to repent because Jesus wants to give us a second chance and restore us. When Judas betrayed Jesus, he experienced guilt and repented. When Peter denied Jesus 3 times, he repented. He was used to preach God’s word. With repentance, God gave Peter a second chance. With God’s love, God wants us to change the people around us that are filled with regret. If you find that you are in the wrong direction, do not hesitate to confess and repent. Through this, you can get a second chance.  

Rember to check your prayer partner on the  “Prayer Partners” page and pray for them throughout the week! 

Book of the Month : Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck 

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