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Living as a Christian : Week 1

In order to have eternal life, we must follow the Ten Commandments, give money to the poor and therefore, be rich in heaven. In Mathew 19:16-22, when Jesus told the young man to sell everything he had, the young man was shocked. Because of his own selfish thinking, this lead him to say no. If we just partially keep God’s commandments, then we are partially following Jesus Christ. We should fully be committed and give up everything for the Lord. It is time to commit ourselves totally to commit ourselves to Jesus Christ. Our character as a Christian should be found and seen in our everyday lives. Instead of living as a partial Christian, we should put God as a priority in our lives, with trust and obedience. Our natural reaction when people are being mean or rude, is us lashing out at them. Although, if we are truly living as a full Christian, we should to utilize and responsibility that God gave to us and respond as a Christian. How will you follow Jesus this week? We are often convinced that we are enough and doing great, but we over estimate ourselves when we haven’t done enough and call ourselves Christian. This decision to think for ourselves and to reject God and his calling is a form of sin. Human pride leads us to reject God. One day, we will be asked to give up the things important to us. What will be your answer? Will you think for youself or will you accept God's calling?

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